Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dog Training SIT (dog training tips)

Training the SIT

(dog training tips) Find an area without distractions to begin training.  Yes, I realise that an obedience champion dog will perform any required behaviour in any environment, but it is best to set yourself up to succeed in your initial training sessions, rather than adding unnecessary obstacles to success.  Once you gain in ability you can vary the environment and distractions, but for now go someplace quiet.  For most people, the kitchen or living room will be a good choice, but any quiet area will do.(dog training tips)
Ideally you want the dog to be slightly hungry.  Dogs pay more attention to their environment when hungry and if you choose to use food treats as a "behaviour reinforcer" then these will be far more effective if the dog is hungry.(dog training tips)
With the dog facing you, take a treat in your hand and hold it above the dogs nose.  If the dog tries to mug your hand to get the treat, close your hand and keep the treat within it.(dog training tips)  In time the dog’s interest will subside.  Once your pet is quiet, try the same thing again, but this time position the treat close to the dogs nose and then lift it slowly above and slightly behind the dogs nose.  The dog should follow the treat with its eyes and eventually the head position will become uncomfortable for the dog to maintain and so they will sit down.(dog training tips)
Just as the dogs behind is about to make contact with the floor say “SIT” in a commanding voice.  Once the dog has made contact with the floor and you have said the command word, reward the dog using your chosen method – food, praise, chance to play with a toy etc.(dog training tips)
A note about the tone of voice you should employ:  Do not shout, but make sure when you say it you believe that the dog will do what you say.  Avoid using a whiney voice or sounding like you are pleading.(dog training tips)


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