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Wednesday, November 30, 2016


we needed to give you a few actualities why all mutts ought to at present be inoculated against rabies. 

Rabies is a viral sickness that is transmitted from salivation starting with one contaminated well evolved creature then onto the next. The side effects may show up a couple days after the nibble or take the length of 12 weeks. 

The manifestations show up influenza like and may incorporate the accompanying: 





Sleep deprivation 


Incomplete loss of motion 

Here are some other apropos realities about the malady itself: 

Rabies laws change by state. A few states permit just authorized veterinarians to manage the antibody, while others permit veterinary experts and particularly prepared people to vaccinate these creatures. 

Unvaccinated creatures might be refused assistance by any business or vet who might need to secure the soundness of different pets and patients. 

Numerous ailments in people and pets are on the ascent again because of guardians and pet proprietors quitting inoculations against these sicknesses. 

Rabies antibodies are not given to pets to ensure the creature, they are given to secure people. 

In the event that left untreated, rabies in people is quite often deadly and 100% lethal in mutts. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports 55,000 yearly passings worldwide because of rabies and 1-2 passings every year in the U.S. numerous because of skunks, bats, foxes and coyotes. 

The reaction of the rabies immunization might be slight swelling at the infusion site and some facial swelling, irritation and redness. That is typically effectively settled with a cortisone infusion and an antihistamine infusion. 

A few states have exceptions for creatures that are therapeutically bargained (growth, 

Much of the time, testing a creature for rabies may not be conceivable. On the off chance that you have been nibbled by a wild creature, look for medicinal treatment quickly. A quick acting shot of rabies resistant globulin will instantly be given notwithstanding a progression of rabies immunizations to prepare your body to battle the infection at whatever point it discovers it.


On the off chance that you are considering adding a Dog to your family, consider receiving your new closest companion from a creature shield or compassionate society. You'll not just get a positive sentiment from helping a destitute pet, you'll get an exceptional partner. The staff at these associations precisely check the creatures for sound wellbeing and great personality. Also, some asylum creatures have had the advantage of preparing to grow great behavior while they sat tight for another home.

Through no blame of their own, a considerable measure of incredible Dogs end up in creature covers seeking after another opportunity at joy. Individuals give up their pets to sanctuaries when they are no more extended ready to nurture them. Some of the time this is on account of the proprietor was caught off guard for the obligation that accompanies watching over a puppy. Regularly, be that as it may, mindful proprietors battling with life-changes or attempting to adapt to family catastrophe understand their pet would be in an ideal situation with another person. They convey them to the safe house since they know the creature will be very much administered to and set in a superb home.

You can discover pretty much any age, size and type of puppy at a creature protect. Regularly, individuals belittle that it is so hard to nurture a litter of puppies, and turn them over to the haven to raise and receive out. In different cases, youthful canines are surrendered in light of the fact that their past proprietors didn't have sufficient energy to give normal practice to the pup. Along these lines, on the off chance that you have your mind set on a puppy, an asylum is a decent place to look. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you might want a more develop puppy that is likely effectively housebroken, you'll discover these sorts of canines at a sympathetic culture or creature focus.

Upon landing, shield staff painstakingly assesses every creature for physical and behavioral soundness. They make note of peculiarities, and work with experts to dispense with negative practices. Most sanctuaries have appropriation advisors who talk with potential adopters to comprehend their requirements and way of life so they can make the ideal match.

Bringing your recently received Dog home is energizing for you, yet might be a bit of overpowering for her. Keep her on a rope as you consume her from space to room, giving her a lot of chance to sniff. You may need the main stop on your visit to be the terrace or wherever you need her to diminish herself. The energy of an auto ride and going to another place can give her the need to discharge her entrails or bladder.

Dogs are animals of propensity, so the sooner you set up a firm standard, the more agreeable your new puppy will get to be. Continuously sustain her in a similar spot and at about a similar time every morning. You'll see she develops to suspect "what comes next." For instance, in the event that you generally encourage her after you acquire the daily paper, you'll see she turns out to be extremely energized when you open the way to venture outside. Dogs get on rapidly.

Dog Ear Cleaning (dog care tips)

Clean your Dog ears month to month (increasingly in the event that they want to swim). Begin by prepping the hide around their ears. In the event that there's hide in the ear waterway and it appears to draw in gunk, request that a groomer trim it down. (dog care tips)

Next, utilize an ear cleaner to flush out your pooch's ears. Put a couple drops into every ear and delicately rub the ear close to the opening. Give your canine a chance to shake his or her head, and after that utilization a cotton ball (not a cotton swab) to tenderly wipe out the ear channel. (dog care tips)

Ask your groomer or vet what sort of ear cleaner is best for your pooch. A few cleaners are made to separate earwax, while others are made to dry out the ear trench. (dog care tips)

Take your dog to the vet if these indications happen: 

Your Dog is by all accounts in torment when you clean their ears 

Your puppy much of the time scratches their ears or head 

You see bizarre smell, redness, swelling or irregularities around or in their ears.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Table Foods Dogs Shouldn't Eat (dog care tips)


Raw Meat & Meat Bones 

(dog care tips) If you're inspired by the nursery rhyme "This Old Man" and tempted to "give a dog a bone," be cautious about what you're giving to Rover.(dog care tips) While the idea of a pup gnawing on a bone might seem like second nature, you could be introducing a health risk by handing one over. It could splinter and cause choking, intestinal blockage, or tears in your dog's digestive tract. Nevertheless, the act of chewing a bone does help with dental issues by scraping off plaque and stimulating gums, which help control bad breath.(dog care tips) However, it's safer to purchase nylon-based or pressed rawhide bones for these purposes.dog care tips
Raw meat can present challenges as well, in terms of transmitting bacteria like E. coli that can be harmful to pets and disturb your pet's digestive system. Avoid sharing any uncooked beef, poultry, or fish, and keep any items you're defrosting for dinner well out of reach.(dog care tips)

Onions and Garlic

(dog care tips) Several common seasonings, including onions, garlic and chives, can create problems for your pets by triggering irritation in their gastrointestinal tract, possibly leading to serious red blood cell damage, asthma attacks, and even liver damage. Immediate signs of ingestion include vomiting, diarrhea, discolored urine and lethargy. Reactions seem to be more prominent among cats than dogs, though both have been known to react when exposed to raw, cooked or dehydrated varieties of these ingredients.(dog care tips) While cats and dogs aren't particularly attracted to the smell of onions or garlic, these items are so present in cooked food, we must remember not to give our pets meat that has been sautéed or garnished with these seasonings.(dog care tips)


There's a saying that goes: Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, never fear. That might be fine for people, but for animals, beer, wine or liquor are all hazardous.(dog care tips)
You might think it funny to see what would happen if you let Fido have some beer, but your canine companion would likely be saddled with a laundry list of side effects.(dog care tips) These include vomiting, diarrhea, depression of the central nervous system, coordination problems, breathing issues and tremors. In extreme cases, your pet could fall into a coma or die. The level of the poisoning usually depends on the amount of alcohol consumed as well as the pet's weight, but bottom line is, there's nothing funny about putting a cocktail within your pet's reach. And if your pet does ingest some liquor, don't just let it "sleep it off." Call your vet for advice.(dog care tips)

Caffeine and Chocolate

(dog care tips) If your dog seems a bit lethargic and you think a cup of coffee might help, think again. Caffeine is harmful to animals due to the presence of methylxanthines, chemicals which can be found not just in coffee, but also in tea, colas, energy drinks, and even pain killers and diet pills. Ingestion can trigger vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, panting, increased thirst and urination, but also more serious symptoms such as tremors, abnormal heart rhythms and death.(dog care tips)
Chocolate also contains lower amounts of methylxanthine. Levels vary, depending on the type. However, chocolate serves as a double whammy of sorts to pets, as it also contains theobromine, another potentially toxic element that can trigger reactions like restlessness, vomiting and muscle spasms. Just four to 10 ounces (113 to 283 grams) of milk chocolate could be lethal to smaller dogs. Unsweetened baking chocolate and dark chocolate contain the highest amounts of theobromine, while white chocolate has the lowest. That said, it's best to keep all types of chocolate out of reach.(dog care tips)

Grapes, Raisins and Currants

(dog care tips) Though grapes and raisins offer nutritional benefits for humans, it's imperative to keep them out of your pet's reach. While the toxic element within grapes and raisins hasn’t been pinpointed, the impact on pets that ingest them has been well-documented, and ranges from hyperactivity and repeated vomiting to lethargy, depression, kidney failure or even loss of life. In addition to keeping grapes and raisins from your pet, you also need to keep away products such as fruit salads, cereals, granola bars, and raisin cookies.(dog care tips)

(dog care tips) You can serve your pet fresh fruits such as slices of apples, pears, oranges, bananas, and seedless watermelon. However, steer clear of fruits with pits such as peaches, as they can become lodged in your pet's throat. Peach and plum seeds also contain trace doses of cyanide, which can prove fatal to cats and smaller dogs. (It's not good for humans either but humans know not to eat the seed!)(dog care tips)

 Macadamia Nuts

(dog care tips) Macadamia nuts might make a great souvenir from a Hawaiian vacation, but it’s a treat that can prove fatal for your pet, whether eaten raw or roasted. If you have a weak spot for macadamia nuts, make sure to keep the jar tightly closed and out of your pet's reach at all times.(dog care tips) As few as six nuts can be enough to initiate a reaction, which includes vomiting, tremors, weakness, and depression. The symptoms usually start within a half-day after ingesting and last about 12 to 48 hours. Reactions can worsen to include paralysis of the hindquarters and hyperthermia, so if you suspect your pet has nibbled on these nuts, contact your vet immediately.(dog care tips)


(dog care tips) The word "Xylitol" might not mean much to you, but it's an artificial sweetener used in any number of products you likely have lying around your house or in your purse or pocket.(dog care tips) These include some candies, gum, most diet products such as sugar-free cookies, and even certain types of toothpaste. It doesn't take much of it to trigger a reaction in your pet -- and the symptoms can come on quickly and are often fatal.(dog care tips)
(dog care tips) Xylitol causes insulin release in most animals, which leads to hypoglycemia (or lowered blood sugar levels). Signs of ingestion include vomiting, coordination problems and lethargy. These symptoms can progress to seizures and even liver failure within just a few days.(dog care tips) Avoid setting out candy dishes in your home and keep an extra-vigilant eye on your pet during holidays such as Halloween and Easter, when sweet treats are even more likely to be around.(dog care tips)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Training Dog Obedience Using Hand Signals (dog care tips)

Training Dog Obedience Using Hand Signals

(dog care tips) Are you doing some dog obedience training to fix your dog’s behavior problems?
(dog care tips) If you’re, then you must use hand signals and verbal commands that you like your pet to follow. The hand signals work in most cases, especially when your pet cannot hear you.(dog care tips)
(dog care tips) Actually, these are more effective ways to ensure your dog pays close focus you even from a few meters away, providing it can see you.(dog care tips)
(dog care tips)That are what trainers of agility dogs and hunting dogs use to operate the actions of these dogs throughout the field. By using the right-hand signals during teaching your dog, they can make the dogs turn right of left, go fast, stop, or stay there.(dog care tips)

Training Dog Obedience Using Hand Signals

(dog care tips) Now, you can also do the criminals to your pet without using verbal commands. Learn these first three hand signals and help them learn to your dog while doing dog obedience training.(dog care tips)
1. For the “sit” command, here’s the hand signal: bend your arm upwards in the elbow and then increase hand with fist closed approximately your head’s side as you command your dog to sit simultaneously.(dog care tips)
Keep on practicing these hand movements while commanding your family dog to sit. Later on, your pet will soon learn how to associate the hand signal with your vocal command. Now, so able to get your dog’s attention once you try the hand signal, don’t punish it. Instead, keep trying or best of all, make sure you have a leash on your own left hand.(dog care tips)
2. With the “down” command, the hand signal is like when you are asking somebody to sit down at the same time saying, “Have a seat.” To instruct your dog the hand signal for down, you ought to hold your arm out towards your canine friend and then lower your hand, upon which your palm faces down at the floor.(dog care tips)
While this process, give the “down” command, with your dog will follow a hand signal into the down position. Like in the sit hand signal, keep repeating this until your furry friend learns to associate the cut in your hand towards the floor within the “down” command.(dog care tips)
3. For ones “stay” command, first, place your dog into the sit or down position. Afterwards, hang around your arm towards your canine, with your palm’s position very much like that of a policeman who’s using hand signal to give up traffic.(dog care tips)
And just like in the earlier two commands, repeat this at the same time command your pet dog to “stay”, with your firm thoughts. If at first, your pet does not follow, repeat the process until he recognizes that hand signal means “down”.(dog care tips)
Using hand signals might do a lot when dog training. Although you may find it difficult to make the dog obey in the beginning, don’t give up, but rather keep repeating the signals until it understands what you really are trying to communicate. Take note that if you are consistent and thorough in showing the animal those hand signals, the faster it’s going to respond.(dog care tips)

Dog Training SIT (dog training tips)

Training the SIT

(dog training tips) Find an area without distractions to begin training.  Yes, I realise that an obedience champion dog will perform any required behaviour in any environment, but it is best to set yourself up to succeed in your initial training sessions, rather than adding unnecessary obstacles to success.  Once you gain in ability you can vary the environment and distractions, but for now go someplace quiet.  For most people, the kitchen or living room will be a good choice, but any quiet area will do.(dog training tips)
Ideally you want the dog to be slightly hungry.  Dogs pay more attention to their environment when hungry and if you choose to use food treats as a "behaviour reinforcer" then these will be far more effective if the dog is hungry.(dog training tips)
With the dog facing you, take a treat in your hand and hold it above the dogs nose.  If the dog tries to mug your hand to get the treat, close your hand and keep the treat within it.(dog training tips)  In time the dog’s interest will subside.  Once your pet is quiet, try the same thing again, but this time position the treat close to the dogs nose and then lift it slowly above and slightly behind the dogs nose.  The dog should follow the treat with its eyes and eventually the head position will become uncomfortable for the dog to maintain and so they will sit down.(dog training tips)
Just as the dogs behind is about to make contact with the floor say “SIT” in a commanding voice.  Once the dog has made contact with the floor and you have said the command word, reward the dog using your chosen method – food, praise, chance to play with a toy etc.(dog training tips)
A note about the tone of voice you should employ:  Do not shout, but make sure when you say it you believe that the dog will do what you say.  Avoid using a whiney voice or sounding like you are pleading.(dog training tips)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dog Grooming Tips (dog care tips)

Whether you like it or not, and you should, you need to groom your pet.  Grooming is more than just cleaning your dog; it’s a bonding moment between pet and owner!  While you can pay someone to do it, you can save yourself some money and spend time grooming your friend, yourself.  It isn’t that difficult, unless you have a 100+ pound dog.  Even then, where there is a will, there is a way!(dog care tips)
Grooming your dog is a great habit to get into.  Begin the ritual when you first get your dog and you will both learn to enjoy it.  Introducing anything new will be scary for him which will result in anxiety and problems for you.  However, once you both get into the swing of it and stick to it, grooming your dog regularly will be easy and fun.(dog care tips)

Brushing Your Dog’s Hair(dog care tips)
Brushing your dog’s coat is a way to keep it healthy and shiny.  It stimulates hair follicles and massages his skin.  Brushing helps to control dander, prevents shedding, and feels great!  You can brush your dog anytime and you can never brush him “too much.”  Brush your long-haired dog every day to prevent tangles.(dog care tips)
  • Brush your medium-haired dog every week to prevent matting.
  • Brush your short-haired dog every month.
These are minimum guidelines for brushing your dog.  Most dogs love being brushed so brush them as often as you like.  Brushing more during shedding season will really help to control the amount of hair you find all over your house.(dog care tips)

Clipping  Your Dog’s Nails
Clipping your dog’s nails can be a stressful event for both of you.  If your dog isn’t accustom to having his feet touched and his nails clipped, he may resist it; resulting in a dangerous situation for you both.  The best way to approach nail clipping is to take your dog to the vet when you first get him and have him show you the proper way to clip his nails.  If you have the proper tools on hand and the know-how, you can clip them regularly.  Each time you do it, it will become easier for you both.(dog care tips)
  • Sharp nail clippers made for claws
  • Talc or baking powder to stop bleeds
If you still feel uncomfortable using a nail clipper, you can try a rotary tool that grinds the nail down to a blunt point.  Nail clipping is important and necessary!(dog care tips)

Bathing Your Dog
Bathing your dog can be fun for both of you!  If you begin bathing your dog as a puppy and set strict rules for him, bathing can be easy.  If there are no ground rules and your dog is scared of getting into the tub, it can be quite chaotic!  Dogs should (ideally) be bathed anywhere from once a week to once a month.  I know lots of little “designer” dogs that get frequent baths with perfumed shampoos and rinses.  I also, know lots of farm dogs that might jump into the pond a couple of times per year.  Unless your dog gets into something terrible or has a skin condition, not bathing isn’t the end of the world.(dog care tips)

Ear Care
Dog’s ears can be really clean or really disgusting.  Dogs with perky ears like German Shepherds aren’t as prone to as many infections as floppy-eared dogs, like labs and bloodhounds.  Bacteria and yeast thrive in warm, moist environments.  Floppy ears provide plenty of darkness and hat for growing these pesky intruders.(dog care tips)

If your dog doesn’t have many ear problems, cleaning them out at bath time will suffice.  Sadly, some dogs suffer with chronic ear infections which call for daily cleanings.  It is important to remember to carefully dry your dog’s ears out each time they become wet.  Whether he was swimming, running through puddles, out in the rain, or taking a bath; dry those ears!(dog care tips)

How To Respond to Dog Health Problems (dog care tips)

How To Respond to Dog Health Problems
It is nice to have a pet around your house. When it is a dog, it is still better as dog is a pet that always wants to give you love and not to ask for it like cats. Dogs will do everything for you and you need to give it a little food and a place to sleep in return. The next most important thing is to look after dog health problems. The pleasure of having a dog at home could be enjoyed only when you attend to this vital need of a dog.(dog care tips)
When your pet shows signs of dog health problems it is much better to take it to the veterinarian at the first instance. The simple reason is that unless you are a seasoned dog owner differentiating real dog health problems from normal behavior of a do is not easy. Therefore, the easy way to prevent a serious illness is to take your dog for treatment at the first signs of abnormal behavior. This is the easiest way to handle dog health problems and dogs care.(dog care tips)
How To Respond to Dog Health Problems

In case your dog has no health issues, the veterinarian will not give any treatment but will advise you on what action to take when you face similar situations in the future. On the contrary if you don't take it to the veterinarian and instead, if you go to work, by the time you come home your dog's condition might get worsened requiring you to hospitalize it. Due to this reason, even minor dog health problems should be taken seriously. When you do so, it will be easier for you.(dog care tips)
When you take your pooch to the veterinarian suspecting dog health problems if it is really ill the veterinarian will give you some medicine along with instructions. It is a must to follow those instructions carefully and give the drugs exactly as the vet instructs.(dog care tips) This is very important because dog health problems could become serious quicker than you think. As such, it is extremely difficult to assess the condition of a sick dog. Only a veterinarian is able to do a correct assessment on a dog's illness.(dog care tips)

Friday, October 25, 2013

HOW TO CARE(dog care tips)


First, let your dog out of its sleeping crate. Crates are good uses for beds, when you leave the house, and when they're naughty. Give them some affection to show that you love them. Don't force it if it barks or pulls away; take a break and try again later, and if it pulls away don't put it back in its crate.(dog care tips)
  • Skip this step if your dog is not a puppy. (2 years or older)

Feed your dog breakfast. Like people, dog want some too. You can find pet bowls and pet food at your local pet store. If your dog has NOT had all its teeth come in, you might want to consider buying canned food or wetting the food with water until they all have come in. (Give water in the dogs food if your dog doesn't drink as much. They are guaranteed to drink that water as it tastes like its food.) Teach your dog manners by having them use the command sit before feeding them. Once they have sat for five seconds, give them their food.Keep them sitting while the food is being put on the ground and say okbefore they are allowed to eat the food.(dog care tips)

Give your dog a walk. Dogs enjoy being outside to smell new smells, see new sights, and simply to walk. Start by buying a 6 foot leash and some poop bags. You can find these at your local pet store. Have the dog to the left of you and let about a 4-5" slack on the leash. To run or jog, hold on to the edge of the leash and run, letting your dog be in front of you. If you don't do that, the dog may run into the street and get hit by a driving car not just leading to death, but painful tears. As puppies keep the dogs closer to you to prevent later pulling and straining on the leash.(dog care tips)

Take your dog home and play with it by throwing a ball. If your dog ever participates in hunting, like a German Short-haired pointer, do not play games like tug-of-war. If your dog gets a bird and you try to take it, it may turn to tug-of-war.Have the dog sit when you take the toy out of it's mouth to prevent this tug-of-war.

Feed them.
  • (Puppy) Feed your dog until it is full. Be careful though. Puppies meant to be in the wild or hunting will eat more then they need and turn it into fat.
  • (Adult) Feed your dog 2 cups of food. this varies from dog to dog. Those dogs living in cities with little outside play need less then dogs in wide open spaces. The size of your dog matters too, if it is a 15 pound dog it needs less food then a 115 pound dog.(dog care tips)

Leave your dog in its dog house when it's time for you to go to bed. Lock your dog in its crate! Leave a small bowl of water where it can reach it at night. Small enough that if it spills it doesn't ruin the crate but big enough that the dog can get a drink, even dogs get thirsty at night. As a puppy many dogs need to go out at night, so keep the dog close enough to you that you can hear its barking. Another reason to keep it close is so it feels like part of the family. If you don't keep it close it can be scared of every little thing as it feels it has no protection.(dog care tips)